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Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Yo ppl, juz had a conv with Hazel lols
here is a pic

dun wanna post liao, gotta study.




Here's a little fact for u ppl to know :D Extracted from Sherman's Blogpost (30/3/09)
Fun facts of humans;

1. Your heart stops for a milli-second when you sneeze, so technically you actually died and resuscitate yourself each time you sneeze XD

2. You never breathe when you swallow. Try this...accumulate some saliva and swallow them. Did you breathe? Don't think so XD

3. It's impossible to keep your eyes open when you sneeze.

4. Open wounds hurt when you rub salt on it because water travels to places where there's most salt in the body. The rush of water through your vessels to the site of salt application stretches the vessels, thus causing the pain.

5. 'Pins and needles' are caused by the repetitive firing of your nerves at the site where there's little blood flow. The deficiency of blood triggers the nerves to fire repetitively to allow pumping of more blood to the site of numbness

6. Energy used to walk is the same as running...therefore, there's no need to exercise if you can walk long distances

7. Sweating keeps you healthy. #1 It eliminates most of the toxins in your body and #2 sweat is salty and acidic, which kills bacteria and germs that are present on your skin

8. The rush of hormones when you're sexually aroused, can trigger over 20 physiological changes in your body to function 150% above normal function. E.g. are heart-beat, blood flow, digestion, boosting of immunity. The energy spent is very high but promotes a healthy body. The activities in the body during this period is sufficient to power an average 9-seater coach for 20mins

9. The brain's function during sexual arousement drops below 35%, normal brain function is at 85%. This is due to the blood flow passage caused by hormonal release.

10. Drinking water is 100x more healthier than drinking soft drinks.

11. Urine is drinkable, and contains no cells, no bacteria, just urea (which gives the yellow colour)

12. The human can excrete 80 litres of urine in 1 day (of course with the appropriate amount of water consumed)

Fun facts of animals:

1. All bears are left-handed (don't ask me why)

2. Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.

3. Dogs originate from wolves as their ancestors

4. Dolphins uses the echos created by their screeches. The noises bounce back off obstacles, which the dolphin interprets and decides on its course of movement

5. 'Blind as a bat' is derived from the Vampire Bat, which are completely blind when exposed to a light 5 degrees off normal light wavelength

6. The noisiest animal on the face of the Earth which makes the most noise during mating season is the cricket

7. 'Cats can see ghosts' is a myth because felines are the only animals which have 2 layers of retina, which is capable of reflecting and capturing more light...making their eyes very sensitive to light.

8. Pigs are not stupid, in fact an average pig has the intelligence of a 3year old child.

9. Parrots can speak because their 'voice box' structure differs from the human by 5% only

10. Ants can lift objects up to 50times their weight because their skeleton is on the outside

11. Insects contains 4x as much proteins as beef

12. Spiderweb in proportion, is 50x stronger than steel