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Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Aw man.. another quiz
Tagged by Chermaine also..
i emo become elmo liao la.
become Steven Jialat liao
here it goes:

1. First off, what's your name?

2. Okay, but what does your best friend call you?
Lester la dey.___.

3. Have you ever kissed someone with braces?

4. Who is the fourth received call on your call log?
5. If you could change your eye color what would it be?
I like it black+ a little brown. Juz like wad i hav now

6. What is the wallpaper on your phone?

7. How many pillows on your bed?
One, a bolster is good enuf

8. Who was the last text message you sent to?

9. Is there someone you can't stop thinking about?

10. What was the best thing that happened to you last year?
The nite Jesus entered my life, and the Holy Spirit ignite in me

11. Do any of your friends annoy you?
Duh duh duh.

12. Who's the fourth person on your contacts list?

13. When was the last time you cried from laughing so hard?
Yesterday nite in Kbox xD

14. What school did you attend in elementary?
Changkat Primary..

15. Do you have a crush on somebody?
Im too light to crush someone :D

16. Who was the last person that made you laugh?
Mov Members lols. During Kbox session

17. Do you like Quizes?
Think so?

18. Who do you make fun of the most?
Im a nice person, i dun make fun of ppl! =P dun wan tell u all leh~

19. What's the longest you've ever talked on the phone?
1 hour + i guess

20. Do you think you've gotten prettier since grade school?
Nahz , juz gotten better looking ^^JkJk

21. Have you seen your best friend cry?

22. Where did you last go out to eat?
KFC for my lunch!

23. Do you dance in the car?
Nah i dun even like to dance.. HATE IT TO THE CORE!$%^&*

24. What do you think of hunting and fishing?
Wasting my precious time.. Time = Money !!

25. Do you and your best friend act alike?
No idea lehs. Not as cranky i guess

26. What is a noise that you cannot stand?
Quite alot.. Continuous eerie laughter .. =="

27. Does your mom vacuum early in the morning, when you're sleeping?
Of cox not la.. She's not that Crazeh!

28. Are your parents in love?
Duh, why will dey get married in the first place?

29. At what age did you get your mp3 player or ipod?
Forgot leh

30. Where did you get your last bruise from?
No idea

31. Would you rather sleep at a friend's or have them over?
I rather sleep myself, either that or i sleep at friend's house

32. Who is in your house right now?
My dogs :D

33. Have you ever thought you were gonna die?
yes. but i dun wanna

34. How do you like your steak?
I like it cooked 70%

35. What do you smell like right now?
Fragrance never smelt by any human

36. Do you have a hard time admitting you're wrong?
Who knows?

37. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Ikmal? LOL

38. What shoes did you wear today?

39. What makes you lose your appetite?
Er.. Quite alot, do i haf to list them all??

40. What color is your laundry basket?
I dun own one, my mom does :D

41. Does your mom make you wear a winter coat?
We're in Singapore ! Hu's crazy to tat extream~

42. Does it contain fur?

43. Do you own any Hollister polos?
Simi lai eh? Too chim for meh

44. Do you think those stores are too expensive?
huh wad those stores? wad toking u?

45. Where do you shop the most for clothes?
Somewhere Over the Rainbow....

46. Ever clothes shop at a thrift store?
Define thrift :D i dun know the meaning ^^ TELL MEH!

47. Why do you do surveys?
For the sake of it

48. Can you go on MySpace from school or work?
I dun even use it

49. Do your parents have a MySpace account?
Use ur brains to think

50. Have your parents seen your MySpace page?
I dun even have one, let them see for all they want


Sabo Give the HONOR of doing this quiz to
you ppl that want to do..
and rmb say

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Lol a quiz tagged by Chermaine.. =="
10 'Are You's
1. Are you single - Duh?
2. Are you happy - Why not?
3. Are you bored - Rather Bored~
4. Are you fair - Hm.. half half :D
5. Are you Italian - LOL? NO im International!
6. Are you intelligent - Not intelligent, but not stupid either
7. Are you honest - Yeah! Im v trustworthy~!
8. Are you nice - That goes without asking ^^
9. Are you Irish - IM INTERNATIONAL !~
10. Are you Asian - Of course !

10 Facts.
1. Full Name - Ho Kim Leng Lester :D
2. Nick - Do i hav one? Hu cares ^^ next question Pls~!
3. Birth Place : Xin Jia Po!Singapore
4. Hair Colour :BLACK!
5. Natural Hair Style : Err... No idea lehs
6. Eye Colour : Rainbow.. Jk its Black i suppose, lazy look into mirror
7. Birthday : 8/12
8. Mood :Happy
9. Favourite Colour(s) :Do i hav to list them all?
10. One place you'd like to visit : see how first la k?

10 things about my love life.
1. Have you ever been in love - Hu cares about this..
2. Do you believe in love at first sight - Think so?
3. Do you currently have a crush - Dun wan tell u leh? Guess urself la
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - No idea. Im cold blooded ^^
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - Dun tink so
6. Have you ever have your heart broken - No.. My heart is made of muscles!Never break!
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them -Probably a yes
8. Are you afraid of commitment - No .
9. Who was the last person you hugged - No recall of it.
10. Who was the last person you said I love you too? ! No idea

10 ThisOrTht
1. Love or Lust - Love .
2. Hard liquor or beer - Why isn't there a option of Wine?
3. Cat or Dog - Any . But i prefer Dogs.
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - A few best friends .
5. Creamy or Crunchy - Creamy .
6. Pencil or Pen - Pen .
7. Wild night out or Romantic night in - Wild night out .
8. Money or Happiness - Happiness .
9. Night or Day - Day .
10. IM or phone - Phone .

10 'Have You Ever's
1. Been caught sneaking out - I can be a ninja already, so what do ya tink?
2. Seen a polar bear - Yah .
3. Done something you regret - Let me count.. xD
4. Bungee jumped - Never~Till now
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - Yea i did before
6. Finished entire jaw breaker - Simi Lai eh?
7. Been caught naked - Of cox not. Lol
8. Wanted an ex gf/bf back - Dun even hav any
9. Cried because you lost a pet - I'll cry if i lose mine.. But they are still on Earth
10. Wanted to disappear - Yesss .

10 preferences in a partner.
1. Smile or eyes - Smile .
2. Light or dark hair -Preferably Dark .
3. Hugs or Kisses - Can i hav both?^^ .
4. Shorter or taller - Er...?
5. Intelligent or attraction - Both! .
6. Topman or Zara - Topman i guess
7. Funny or serious - Funny .
8. Older or Younger - Same as me/younger .
9. Outgoing or Quiet - Outgoing .
10. Sweet or Bad - Sweet .

10 'Have You's
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - yes i tink .
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than 1 hour - Yeah .
3. Ever walked on hands - Nope .
4. Ever been to a rock concert - Nope .
5. Ever been in a cheerleading team - Nope .
6. Ever been in a dance team - Nope .
7. Ever been in a sports team - Yes .
8. Ever been in a drama play/production- Yes .
9. Ever owned a BMW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bentley? - Nope .
10. Ever been in a rap video - Nope .

10 'Last's
1. Last phone call you made - Home .
2. Last person you hugged - Forgot la .
3. Last person you hung out with - Friends duh, MoV members at Kbox :D
4. Last time you worked - Friday, i worked as a student
5. Last person you talked to - Mum
6. Last person you IM'd - Forgot
7. Last person you texted - Sherman
8. Last person you when movie with - hmm.. forgot liao .
9. Last person /thing you missed - Friday and Saturdays
10. Last website visited - This website : http://www.imaginations-runningwild.blogspot.com

Finally its done :D

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sorry people.. reached back home at 12.40am ==" den went to sleep
without blogging.. =x
Well today i went to church,
and it wasn't Pastor Kong preaching,
it was actually Pastor Tan.
But we had an Q&A session with Dr. Dyson(i tink i spelled it right)
about marriages and relationship..
After tat, i rushed down
to meet the MoV people at K box at
den after tat watch XJ play the arcade basketball.
He said he didn't do well..
But.. -.-"
tat was v good?
He said he tui bu!
K la gotta go TUITION LIAO!